Monday, October 4, 2010

My First Wedding!!! | Aberdeen, SD Photographer

Well, my first wedding was a little over a week ago and I think I'm finally recovered :). It was great! I couldn't have asked for a better couple to break me into wedding photography - but I'll be honest...I'm not doing it again for a VERY long time! If you'll listen - I'll tell you why...
1. Leave it to the professionals! While I consider myself a professional children/family portrait photographer - I just don't have enough knowledge for weddings.  An excellent wedding photog should have over 2 years of 'second shooting' with another star photographer before he/she ventures out on his/her own. I'm hoping I'll get that over the next few years.
2. There is A LOT of work and equipment involved. I mean, two of everything, plus some! I have two cameras, two lenses, two lights - but still need a lot more to do weddings the way it should be done (I rented the stuff this time).
3. Wedding photography is expensive. 8-12 hour days, plus hundreds (thousands sometimes) of photos to upload, edit, convert, yada yada - that's A LOT of time. You should pay a lot (for a great wedding photog). Seriously - if getting beautiful wedding day images is important - don't scrimp on this. You never get a do over on it. I paid a lot for our wedding (5x's the cost of my dress) and I'm still sooo happy with them. When you cut costs - you'll see a difference and notice it years down the road.

Sooo....where do I stand - I completely stand behind (and hopefully next to for a couple years), Tracy Vogel of Moment 2 Moment photography she is fantastic, wonderful, has years of experience and will do an awesome job (just request that I 'second shoot' because I'm fun - ask Angie my first bride :). Any questions - definitely email or call me! I still would LOVE to do engagement sessions!

Oh, on to my fab wedding photos - Thanks so, so much TR and Ang - I could not have asked for a better couple to be so nice to me! Your wedding was beautiful and I had a great time!

First stop on the party bus!

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